Cold Weather Leather Gloves

Cold Weather Leather Gloves

12 products

We argue that all of our gloves are suitable for cold weather due to their inherent toughness. However, we have specifically curated a collection of Deer Hide and Water Buffalo leather gloves that are particularly effective in colder temperatures.

Our original designs have undergone years of testing, and we believe they can compete with anything available on the market. Our preferred material is Water Buffalo leather. Few companies utilize this remarkable natural hide, as it is challenging to work with. However, we have honed our expertise in this area. The hides are neither stretched nor sanded, preserving their natural strength intact. All our gloves will gradually mold to your hands and, for most people, last a lifetime.

This collection also includes our first ultra-warm, waterproof leather ski mitten. And don't worry, it's not just for skiers; it serves equally well as a snowboard mitten. Over an extensive two-year period, we developed what we believe to be a groundbreaking cold weather mitten. Why? Because this design is waterproof, three times stronger than cowhide, and incorporates Polar Bear technology to trap millions of microscopic air pockets, keeping your hands dry, warm, and protected. Our aim is for your hands to never be cold or wet again. We also hope this will be the last pair of mittens you'll ever need to buy.